
Transform your personalized forms into digital formats.

Generate personalized forms within minutes.

Generate a check queries form by entering a statement or question, and subsequently specifying the desired type of response.

Specify the inquery.

Specify the inquery.

Share key observations and compliance status for the inspected area during the inspection process.

Specify the reaction.

Specify the reaction.

Specify the manner in which the inspector is expected to respond to the question or statement while in the field.

Create sections and pages

Create sections and pages

organize topic-related elements using sections and pages to segregate checks on different screens efficiently.

Sections that can be replicated.

Sections that can be replicated.

Duplicate questions seamlessly on the go using repeatable sections for conducting checks as needed with ease.

Dashboard in App Home Screen

Metrics visualized as Donut chart
  • Usage in %
  • Actionable items/Deviations in %
  • 2 level drill down
  • Chart when clicked can drill down to another page with Checklist names and related metrics
  • Time frame
  • Yesterday, Last week, Last month
  • View of charts and metrics are assignment based. Example: If Balaji at Assessor level is assigned 2 checklists, his Dashboard would have data from those 2 checklists only.

Deviations: Real-time Intimation and Escalation Matrix in App

  • Deviations – Real-time intimation of user inputs which are considered deviations.
  • Real-time deviations:
    • Checkpoints with Feedback – Yes, No, NA.
    • “No” is deviations
  • Values
    • Out of range in “predefined Value range” is deviations
    • Example: Water flow meter. It has a normal range (Eg 1-20), and unit of measure is Nm3/hr
  • Escalations:
    • Deviations are intimated to Level 1 in real time
    • TAT for Level 1 (Reviewer) to manage deviation is 30 min/1 day/2 days (It has to be defined at Form Builder page for the entire Form/Checklist)
    • After TAT, if deviation is not closed in the app, escalation to level 3 (Manager)
    • Escalation to continue with the same logic to Unit Admin
Mobile App Tutorial
Tailored Dashboard to Your Specifications